Saturday, September 18, 2010

Feeding for winter

I am using my turkey cooker to make the 2:1 sugar syrup. I am standing in my shop with the door rolled up.

The box on the right contains the August swarm that was caught. I put a divider in the brood box ( 5 frames )with a cross over screen so that I could continue to use the full size top feeder. The entrance area has been reduced, and I am seeing no fighting with robbers. The larger hives are taking 3 quarts of 2:1 syrup, with the smaller ones taking 1-2 quarts.

Jar & board feeders will be used when the weather gets colder.

I will be starting the winter with 7 colonies...6 are in the pic, the 7th is off the pic to the left.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Observation Hive

My first attempt at building an observation hive. I used my mentor's as a guide, and adding my own touch to both.

Ready for bees and a date at school for an exhibition.

Completed 2 frame hive painted Bee Blue. Both panels have been removed.